Kamatz Reading and Spelling Words for Alef Bet Learners (GEMS P, Q, R and S)



Letter Lab Gems for Reading and Spelling Kamatz Syllables


Letter Lab Gems Word Reading and Spelling Cards 

Behold are 3 card game experiences for early Hebrew word reading.

There cards are divided into phases so children can immediately start reading words once once they have learned a few letters and syllables with the first vowel, Kamatz. Once they learn more letters and syllables, they can progress and read more words. The activites in this series support the children for the Letter Lab Decodable Books for Alef Bet Learners.

For best results, use these word reading cards in conjunction with the rest of the Letter Lab Gems series that target phonological processing, letter knowledge and syllable reading.

Set P: Decodable Vocabulary Cards (48 cards)

Set Q: Encoding Word Cards (18 cards)

Set R: Syllable Fluency and Word List Reading Cards (20 cards)

Set S: Word to Picture Match (20 picture and words cards)

Each card includes translation where it may be helpful. Since everything is decodable at this point, transliteration isn’t included on the cards.

When applicable, answers are on the back so children can self-correct and work independently.

Each set of cards include child friendly instruction that are pictorial, scripted, and explicit.


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