Tutors and Support

Student Services

Is your child struggling with Hebrew or English reading skills? Falling behind in school? 

Felling hopeless and frustrated about reading and writing? 

We are here to help. 


Screeners, evaluations and tutoring sessions addresses these literacy learning areas: 

• Print awareness
• Letter knowledge with handwriting
• Phonological and phonemic awareness
• Word study: phonics, spelling, irregular words, syllabification, and morphology
• Fluency: accuracy, rate and prosody and selecting texts
• Vocabulary and language
• Comprehension: cross-curricula, across genres, including narrative, informative, poetic, and opinion texts with strategies for independent learning
• The writing process
• Speaking and listening
• Higher-order thinking skills
• Growth mindset

Hebrew Jumpstart Session

Do you or child think alef bet or kriah is boring and hard? Are you feeling stuck? You are not alone! Let us help you navigate to make learning smooth, enjoyable and meaningful!

Do you need strategic help getting started with our parent friendly Letter Lab and NikudQuest units for Hebrew literacy? Schedule a 75 minute Jumpstart Session to explore your child’s individual needs, place them in a unit, and devise a promising pathway to success. This session can take place at our Brooklyn based clinic or on Zoom. 


Screeners & Evaluations


Do you think your child may benefit from a comprehensive clinical evaluation in literacy? Schedule an inquiry call to explore if your child can benefit from an evaluation. 

Hebrew and/or English Literacy Screener & Evaluation

1. Literacy Screener: Are you wondering if your child is on track for success or if they would benefit from an intervention and supports? A screener can help us compare your child’s foundational literacy achievements to age/grade norms, to identify educational needs and risks. 

2. Full Diagnostic Reading Assessment: We want to understand how your child learns so we can plan instruction that is informed, targeted and effective. We will analyze your child’s strengths, needs, and interests in each of the literacy learning domains, including phonemic awareness, symbol imagery, alphabetic principle, word attack, accuracy and fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.  You will receive a written report that includes summary and analysis of the data collection, and suggestions for intervention. We will conduct a consultation to understand and discuss your child’s learning profile and to begin planning an intervention that is feasible and enjoyable. 

Hebrew/ English Intensive Interventions

Do you feel lost in the woods? Does your child learn differently and they keep on getting stuck?  Does your child need someone to hold their hand and guide them to step by step? 

Individual Tutoring & Intervention Leadership

Our intensive intervention entail: 

– Weekly individual tutoring 

-Custom tailored learning and practice for the full week, including books and games

-Pro-bono guidance for parents/ tutors 

-Progress monitoring and student advocacy 

Private tutoring takes place at our fully equipped, beautiful clinic in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. 



Unlock the secret to literacy success for your child/ren with our expert parent consultation. Discuss, plan, and understand effective strategies for solving and navigating challenges. 

Parent Consultation :

Are you a parent that already has a lot of background and experience in teaching reading and you are just looking to increase your tool box? With this consultation, you can up your game with anything literacy related, from Hebrew to English, from pre-literacy to age 12, from decoding to comprehension, we can discuss anything. We will make sure that you gain access to ready to use tools and you gain a deep understanding as to how things work. 

Fill out this form to inquire about our evaluation and tutoring services

Frequently Asked Questions

Were you wondering too?

We find that individual coaching is much more conducive to learning than group a course. We find that every educator has a different sets of goals, different background knowledge and their students face different challenges. In order to optimize learning, we want to plan your coaching session around your unique needs and interests.

Do you need help?

Ask Nechamy


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